Holiday Tree Coin Master

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Chances of getting specific cards in Coin Master are not even. Some cards are harder to get than others. In order to get rare cards you buy a lot of chests and be lucky or trade them with others (or get them gifted). If not gifted the best way to trade is trading for same value cards. Below you will find a list of all difficult to get cards, their value and from which village you can open them. Use this list to do trades that benefit both parties. If you are looking for gold cards you should check out this article about Viking Quest.

What card was the most difficult for you to get?

In Coin Master you can share cards with your Facebook friends. This is limited to 5 cards a day. Their are ways to send more than 5 cards a day. First is to change the date of your phone. After changing the date with at least 24 hours you can send 5 more cards. You can repeat this as much as you like. Enhance your website with the CoinGecko widget giving you the latest price for any cryptocurrency. Try our Bitcoin price widget, Bitcoin chart widget, Ethereum price widget, Ethereum chart widget, and more. Coin Master is a fun game of strategy and chance where you pull the handle on a slot machine to get power-ups and coins as you try to build a thriving city and transform yourself into the strongest viking. This game has a simple and addictive gameplay designed for all. Shop our different holiday gifts online at Coins For Anything. We carry a variety of holiday challenge coins and ornaments for different military branches. Join our Coin nerd's electronic mailing list and be entered into our free coins drawing! General Information.


Below you find the list of all rare cards and their value, but what was the hardest card for you to get? Please let me know!

Coin Master rare cards list

In the list below you will find all cards that are supposed to be rare to extremely rare. You can search in this list or order on column. This list will be updated when values change or new sets are added. If you want tips and tricks on how to play Coin Master and get more difficult cards follow us on Facebook.

Table below updated April 2020. I don’t know all sets the cards are from. If you can help by telling me from which card set the rare card is, please let me know in the comments.

Questions about hard to get cards answered

Is this card rare?

Some cards are more difficult to find than others. If the card is on the list above you know it is rare and you now it’s value.

How can I get rare cards

There are a few ways how to get your rare cards. First the card you need has to be unlocked. If done, than start buying chests or trade the card with someone. Make sure you know the value of the card so you don’t pay too much.

Can I buy rare cards?

Yes. If you can’t wait anymore to get or trade your rare card than you can buy it. On Ebay all cards can be found. But make sure you don’t get scammed while buying.

I’ve build my villages too fast, now i miss a lot of cards. How can I get the missing cards?

If you have a lot of unfinished card sets than you might have build too soon. Stop building en start buying card sets. If you buy enough cards the missing will come. The longer you wait, the harder cards are going to get.

How can I make sure I don’t get scammed while trading a rare card?

If you trade with a person you don’t know it is a good idea to ask an admin of the group te help you. Admins you can trust and they will make sure you make a good trade.

Where did you find your Coin Master rare cards

A good way to help each other is to share where you have found your rare cards. Other people can buy some more chests to get these cards also. So please let me know via the comments in which type of chest in which level you found your rare cards. Please state whether it is was in a wooden chest, golden chest of magical chest and in what village you were when you found the card. This also helps to check if the list of boom villages is still correct.

Use Facebook to get difficult cards

A good alternative way to get the harder to get cards is to ask for them in Facebook groups. Some groups are for trading, others are giving them away. Most groups that give those cards for free is that they ask you to donate some cards to the group. This way other people get helped too.

Holiday Silver Coins


Your opinion on rare cards in Coin Master

Do you think some rare cards are missing in this list or do you think the value mentioned is wrong? Please let me know so we can keep this list updated and have everybody complete their sets. Nothing better than getting some extra spins to move on in Coin Master.

When playing Coin Master there are some very useful tricks you can use. Some of them are huge and deserve a post of their own, like getting most out of chests or how to do big raids. Other tricks are nice to know and I add them to this page.

How to send more than 5 cards per day tricks

In Coin Master you can share cards with your Facebook friends. This is limited to 5 cards a day. Their are ways to send more than 5 cards a day. First is to change the date of your phone. After changing the date with at least 24 hours you can send 5 more cards. You can repeat this as much as you like. Second method is to remove the game and upload it again. After uploading the game again you can send 5 more cards. This Coin Master trick you can also use again.

Holiday tree coin master

Two-finger trick for getting last treasure in hole

If you are raiding it often happens you get the first two holes right. There is a Coin Master trick to dig up the treasure in the last hole also. You do this with the two-finger trick. How does it work. When you have opened already two holes with a treasure place your fingers above the two remaining holes. Than at the same time tap both holes at the same moment really quick and keep it tapped for like a second. The hole with the treasure will open. Watch out that you don’t tap too slow, otherwise this trick won’t work.

Holiday Tree Coin Master Login

Get free spins in Coin Master

If you are running out of spins you can use these tricks to get more free spins. Just follow this link and you will know it all.

Coin Master tricks – Super-betting

If you have more coins in stock you are able to bet higher. This works up to 100 spins at a time (200 during Bet Blast and 500 for VIPS). This is very useful for the big raids tactic. But if you use all your spins you will go back to a maximum bet of 3 spins. As long as you don’t go under 60 spins you will keep the possibility to spin at your maximum bet.

Keep your pet active

If you feed your pet it will give you extra powers for four hours. If you can’t play for 4 hours it is a waste of your pet. So just feed the pet if you can play long enough to enjoy it to the fullest. There is an extra trick in here. Everybody has a free pet for 15 minutes active every 24 hours. If you have just a few minutes to play use this! Also i f it is available use it when you can play longer. It is free and won’t cost your pet food.

Buy chests in every village tricks

You should buy chests in every village. Why? Because in every village their are different rare and gold cards. If you don’t get them it will be harder to get them in higher villages. People say you should at least spend 1 to 1.5 billion coins each village on chests. In some villages it is even more important to stay and buy chests a little longer because they have even more gold and rare cards. These are called boom villages.

Become a VIP player

If you can, try to become a VIP player. To become a VIP player you have to be invited by Coin Master. There is no other way. There also isn’t a guaranteed way to be invited. Word is you have to spend real money on the game and advance fast. I don’t know. I haven’t spend a dime on the game and am not invited yet, though I am at village 168 already. But if you can, just do it!

Join Facebook groups for trading cards

Holiday silver coins

If you are missing cards you can also get them from other people. Their are numerous groups on Facebook in which you can get cards or trade them. Also you can find new friends to send and receive spins and coins daily. There are some very useful Facebook groups mentioned on this page.

Advanced Coin Master tricks – Play with multiple accounts

Holiday Tree Coin Master Coin

A lot of people have a second Facebook account with which they play Coin Master. These second accounts are called baby accounts. People use these to get extra gold or rare cards, especially if they advanced too soon on their main account and missed some rare or gold cards. For every new account on Coin Master you have to have an extra Facebook account. To switch between accounts some people use an app cloner so they can have multiple versions of Coin Master and Facebook on the same device; others use different devices. If you don’t you have to remove the app, change the account on Facebook and re-install Coin Master again.

What are the rules in Coin Master

Some people in Coin Master call themselves rule players. This means that they play by certain rules, which they ask their friends to follow too. These rules are simple.

  1. Don’t attack your friends. Most easy way to do this is when you get an attack to go to the revenge button and choose random. Most of the time you will find people there who aren’t in your friends list
  2. Warn if you have a raid on them for a minimum of 5 million coins. To do this send a dm in Facebook, and wait a few minutes to hear if you can dig or have to wait a moment to let them spend all coins. This trick works both ways, because the person getting raid get’s to spend his coins and you can dig the amount of coins that was originally available.

Not all people play this way, so if you don’t know a person you are connecting with just check it or be clear about the way you play yourself. If you are not a match it might be best to just unfriend and look for other friends.

Do you have other Coin Master tricks to share with the community?

Which tricks do you use that are not on this page? Please let me know in the comments. Do you think one of the tips isn’t working (anymore) also please let me know!


NB. Tricks on this page are derived from playing myself, reading in Facebook groups and from the website.